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I'm waving you in my room.

Behind of

Krisztián Pintér

Hi, I'm a gamer guy from North-Hungary, who has a little bit of artist and geek vein too. If you can't find me in front of my computers, I have gone with Dolly to the city or the mountains nearby. If the weather is better, I like to ride my bike or travel within the country, especially if someone else comes with me. 🙂

A semi-opened Apple MacBroo Pro in the dark.


Anyone who lives at least half his life on his computer will find it out later: the geek. I have never really been impressed by the technical details, but the digital creative freedom they provide! 😍

A fireball action scene from Divinity: Original Sin II RPG.


Even though my free time is quite limited recently, I still play quite a lot and this is reflected in the number of posts here. 😀 I mostly play story-oriented games, so my big favorites are RPGs and action/RPG games.

I'm sitting with paint palette in my hands.


I'm not just designing and making illustrations, painting too: mainly with oil and possibly with acrylic. The art is a game with colors for me. 🎨

Dolly's fighting with a fluffy giraffe.


The best birthday present ever: my dog Dolly. She is always with me. We're doing everything together: working, playing, roaming and eating. 😊